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Updated: Jul 3, 2023

January’s done, the snow's fallen but are your New Year’s resolutions still in tact? I’m trusting that nurturing your love of art remains high on your ‘living your best life’ agenda. Why? Because art can nourish mind, body and soul.

Incredible though it may seem, take a look at the latest spotlight features in THE GAZE on art therapist virtuoso Cyril Kazis and the multi-skilled Till Brockmeier.

Kazis, in his interview talks personally about the healing effect of art that became for him a life-changing revelation, whist Brockmeier shares his journey into the shadowy and often painful darkness that lurks in the depths of one’s soul but from whence brilliant, artistic treasures can almost supernaturally emerge.

Photograph credit: Britta Gut

Faith in the act of doing unfolds as the elixir. Sticking with one’s artistic purpose, the trigger is released and the rebirth begins. I’m eagerly look forward to art working its healing magic and experiencing that reawakening throughout 2023.

More stories and features on contemporary art are planned in THE GAZE this year so stay tuned and be sure to look out for my intriguing encounter with London based artist Will Mackrell, during which I discover why he is making waves in the UK capital city’s art scene and in mainland Europe.

Photograph credit:Sibylle Brodmann

© Copyright Hazel Clarke


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